Alizeh Shah has a huge following. She was one of the most googled Pakistani stars in 2020, however, while social media blesses one with love, one has to deal with trolls as well. The Tanaa Banaa actor has been receiving a lot of backlash for her recent choices. Alizeh uploaded a video to her Instagram, dressed in a pink dress, vibing to a Megan Thee Stallion song. “Not seeking approval,” she captioned the post which went viral in no time. However, social media trolls were quick to bash her.We want the old you back,” was a common feeling expressed by her followers. Others went on to criticise her choices and called her ‘vulgar’. Some comments were abusive and accused her of giving up on her modesty for quick fame. However, it was great to see singer Momina Mushtehsan stepping in to defend Alizeh. “I would respectfully disagree. She’s still the same person, just expressing herself differently, replied Momina when a user shared how Alizeh has lost her beauty, in search of fame.You and I wouldn’t be here on her page if she hadn’t already gained the ‘fame’ you’re implying she changed herself to chase. If anything, I’m sure you guys have made her more than aware of your sentiments towards her choices – yet she’s choosing to be herself,” she wrote. “Let’s allow people to express themselves, however, they want to. Just like you and I (and everybody else), people evolve. The way we think, feel, look keeps changing and that’s the beauty of life. Extend freedom to receive freedom,” the Afreen Afreen singer added. “Islam doesn’t allow us to hurt people either, right? Whatever someone chooses to do with themselves (with no impact on you) is between them and Allah. It’s not on you. But hurting someone — that’s on you,” she replied to another user accusing Alizeh of offending religion.
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